Although the empty feeling is indistinguishable, nicotine will not relieve hunger for food or vice versa. This is why I became a chain-smoker. After that first cigarette of the day, I still had the empty feeling which was hunger forfood. But to my confused brain it meant: I need another cigarette and another. Read more to help you quit smoking for good with free help and advice.


The one that makes us cough our lungs up, but ironically a favourite for many smokers. It's because we've gone eight hours without nicotine. When we awake we relieve a series of aggravations: our bladders, our thirst etc. A non-smoker will relieve his hunger. A smoker is more likely to light a cigarette. Read more to help you quit smoking for good with free help and advice.


Think of the "little monster" as an almost imperceptible itch that you can partially and temporarily relieve by lighting up. Like tight shoes, the longer you suffer the greater the relief. This is why the so-called special cigarettes follow a period of abstinence: after a meal, exercise, sex or whatever. Read more
to help you quit smoking for good with free help and advice.


Try forcing a claustrophobic into a confined space and they will panic. They won't suffocate, but if you believe you will it's the same. If you believe that you can't enjoy life or handle stress without a cigarette, you will feel miserable and insecure without one.
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to help you quit smoking for good with free help and advice.


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The human body is the most sophisticated survival machine on the planet. It is complete. But children and teenagers have yet to mature. They feel insecure and vunerable. Little wonder they turn to illusory props which guarantee that they will never mature, unless and until they are free from both monsters. Read more to help you quit smoking for good with free help and advice


Our children all seem to be searching for some magical elixir or prop as if the incredible intelligence that created us ( be it God or three billion years of natural selection) has omitted some vital ingredient essential to our enjoyment of life or to our ability to survive. Read more
to help you quit smoking for good


This is the "Big Monster" in the mind and the real reason we find it difficult to quit. It doesn't affect us before we become hooked because the beautiful truth is that our lives were complete before we tri ed those first experimental cigarettes.

But once we do, the "Little Monster" confirms the brain-washing or, more accutately, fools our brains into believing it. Read more if you want help to quit smoking for good.