Will you always be a smoker?

So when will you quit?

After you've spent the £50,000

When you've crippled your health?

When the time is right?

How many years have you smoked?

Do you ever wonder why it never seems the right time to quit?
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When did you decide to be a smoker?

No. I don't mean what was the occasion of your first cigarette, but when did you decide to smoke everyday?

Or did you just drift into it like every other smoker on the planet? Read more

The facts

Imagine a drug that casues the premature death of one in two users, costs the average addict £50,000 in a lifetime, makes you feel insecure, bored and tense, tastes foul ruins your confidence, impedes your concentration and has no advantages whatsoever. Can you believe that at one time over 90% of the adult population of western society was addicted to this drug! Can you imagine yourself becoming addicted to such a drug? If you are a smoker, casual or otherwise, you already are an addict. The drug is nicotine. Supposing I could convince you that the facts about smoking are exactly as I have described above and, furthermore, that any smoker can find it easy to quit:




If I could further convince you that you won't miss smoking, that you'll enjoy social occasions more and be better able to cope with stressful situations, would you quit? Then read on. I have nothing but good news for you. Read more